Short Films.

As part of out A2 practical work, we had a choice between making a teaser trailer for a film, or a short film. I chose the latter as I felt this medium would be more enjoyable to work in, and would be a better format to successfully express my ideas. A short is a film no longer than 40 minutes long. Most are found to be 3-10 minutes in length.

The term came to be applied in North America in the 1910s, when the majority of feature films began to be made in much longer-running editions. A typical film program came to be expected to include a feature preceded by one or more short subjects. Short films often focus on difficult topics which longer, more commercial films usually avoid. Filmmakers benefit from larger freedoms and can take higher risks, but they must rely on festival and art house exhibition to achieve public display.

Recently, with the rise of New Media Technologies, short films are rising in popularity. This could be because it's cheaper and easier to make a short, rather than a feature length. This is good for amateurs, who would have less of a budget. Also, sites such as Youtube, and the internet in general means it is easier for films to be broadcast all over the world. Also, Pixar could be partly to thank for the resurgence in interest for short films. Before the theatrical showings of their feature length, a short is shown. These have become quite popular over time.

Example of Pixar short: The Birds.

Obviously I wouldn't attempt something like this, as animation is an area in which I know nothing about.

This is an example of a previous A2 media short film in my chosen genre. This allows me to see what can be achieved with basic equipment, and i hope to be able to produce something to a similar standard. 

1 comment:

  1. let me know how this goes as I am also doing a short film.
